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Date: 11.02.2022

Time: 16:00 - 16:45

Location: Alver

Price: 160/80 (student)

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Overcoming your climate anxiety

The COP26 climate summit in Glasgow is over, and the UN continues to produce new and frightening reports on the condition of the planet. Many people feel climate anxiety and powerless over the consequences of a steadily warmer world. Bjørn Samset, climate scientist at Cicero and a co-author of the UN’s latest climate report, recently wrote 2070 to identify what can be done to avert the climate crisis. This book was nominated for the Brage Prize.

Anja Bakken Riise, leader of The Future in Our Hands, is the author of Mitt Klimaregnskap, which looks at what concrete actions each of us can take to slow down warming.

With moderator Anne Karin Sæther from Footprint, the pair will discuss measures, climate knowledge and how to communicate the message without creating a sense of powerlessness or frightening people too much.

The event will be in Norwegian.

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